We want you to love your URBAN DREAM product as much as we do. If you are not happy with your purchase, you can exchange it for another product of equal or greater value within 7 days of receiving it. You will only pay the difference in price, if any, for the new product.

Guidelines for Exchanges:

  • The product should be in its original, unused, undraped, and undamaged condition, with all original packaging, tags, and protective stickers intact.
  • You can only exchange your product once for each order.
  • To request an exchange,  please fill out the form at this link. Please let us know why you want to exchange your order so that we can serve you better.
  • Once we accept your request, our courier partner will pick up the product from your address as soon as possible. Please be ready to give the product back; otherwise, the request will be rejected.
  • If our courier partner does not cover your pincode, you will have to ship the product back to us at your own expense, and we will credit you Rs 149 as store credit.
  • After we receive the product, we will give you a URBAN DREAM Coupon Code that you can use to buy anything from our website within 1 year, subject to availability in stock.
  • Once the pickup is done, the exchange will be processed / created within 18–20 business days.



We have a 7 days return policy, which allows you to return a product if it is defective or damaged.

Guidelines for Returns:

  • The product should be in its original, unused, undraped, and undamaged condition, with all original packaging, tags, and protective stickers intact.
  • To request a return, please fill out the form at this link Please let us know why you want to return your order so that we can serve you better.
  • Once we approve your request, our courier partner will pick up the product from your address as soon as possible. Please ensure that you are ready to hand over the product; otherwise, the request will be cancelled.
  • If your pincode is not covered by our courier partner, you will have to ship the product back to us at your own expense, and we will credit you Rs 149 as store credit.
  • After we receive the product, we will inspect it for any defects or damage. If it is confirmed, we will refund your money.
  • Once the pickup is done, the refund will be processed / created within 18–20 business days.



We understand that sometimes you may change your mind or have other reasons to cancel your order. We respect your decision, and we want to make it easy for you to do so. That’s why we have a simple cancellation policy that allows you to cancel your order within 6 hours of placing it. Please note that some orders are shipped very quickly, and it may not always be possible to cancel them immediately.

If we are able to cancel your order, we will refund any amount you paid. Please be patient, as it may take 5-7 days for the refund to show up in your account, depending on the mode of payment.

Guidelines for Cancellation:

  • To request a cancellation, please fill out the form at this link. Please let us know why you want to cancel your order so that we can serve you better.

We hope that you will come back and shop with us again soon. We appreciate your business and your trust in URBAN DREAM brand. Thank you for choosing us!